Product description: A gently exfoliating body balm which removes dead cells and will leave your skin moisturised, renewed and glowing.Summer has fiiiinaly arrived here in Holland so in order to make my
How to use: Massage onto dry skin before bathing or showering. Rinse off.

I never had much luck with the previous body scrubs that I tried. Both of them were oil based salt or sugar srubs and always left me feeling extremely oily and sticky whereas this one rinses completely clean in the shower. No slippery bathroom floor and no sticky legs!

The reason why I really adore this scrub is because it has helped to smooth out the bumps on my upper arms and legs without leaving my skin feeling dry or irritated. Although I don't use any self-tanner I can imagine that this would be great to use beforehand because it effectively gets rid of any dead skin and creates a great base for the self-tanner to adhere to.
Rating: 5/5